Carpet Care & Maintenance

Pet friendly floor | Carpet Your World

Keep your carpet feeling plush and looking its best for years to come!

While many of our carpets are manufactured with built-in protection against stains, you'll still need to incorporate some daily care and maintenance into your routine! Doing so will also improve the air quality in your home, as carpet is excellent at trapping allergens. Learn more below!

Daily care & maintenance

Remove outdoor shoes before walking across your carpet so you don’t track dirt inside the house. A high-quality carpet pad adds additional support and softness while absorbing more impact. Vacuum your carpets frequently using a manufacturer-approved appliance to remove dirt and trapped allergens such as dander and pet hair.

Carpet cleaning | Carpet Your World
Stain on Carpet | Carpet Your World

Dealing with spills and stains

If you spill on your carpet, don't panic! Many of our carpets have built-in technology that helps them resist stains. There are also manufacturer-approved carpet cleaners that can help. Blot up the spill as best as you can and consider using one of them.

It's not a bad idea to give your carpets the occasional deep clean, especially if they are in high-traffic areas. Contact a professional cleaning service or shampoo your carpets yourself. If you do shampoo them yourself, be sure to follow your manufacturer's recommendations for maximum effectiveness. Consider a deep clean once or twice a year.

Additional Resources


Preventative Maintenance: LEARN MORE

Carpet Cleaning Tips: LEARN MORE

Common Household Stains: LEARN MORE

Vacuum Guidelines: LEARN MORE

About Shaw R2X Technology: LEARN MORE